When I Run for Office
I pretty much hate politics, at least the distortions and shallowness it breeds. Personally, I don’t think I could ever run. I think I’ve visited far too many dicey websites, and must be on a half-dozen government agency Watch Lists at this point. But if I did run for higher office, taking what I’ve learned from politicians who have actually won elections, I think these are the core principles I’d run upon: I’ll be tough on crime; for a strong national defense; against drugs and violence in our schools; believe in the need for a strong economy and jobs; I’ll be for education, and pro family (interpret however your politics spin this in a positive way, I need your vote). My opponents might not like these positions I plan to take, and I might be criticized for them, but I accept this burden. You can’t stick your neck out without expecting someone to try and take a lop at it. God bless America. Or Gods if you’re Hindu, though I’ll probably never work that into a stump speech, since you’re not that large a voting block.
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