Conservatives Suddenly Warm To Science
For the past twenty-five years Liberals have been jumping up and down while pointing to scientific studies, research results, and comparative data to support their claims of global warming. Conservatives countered that the science was inconclusive, and further studies were needed. Leap ahead to 2007. Recent scientific observations seem to show that our planetary neighbors Neptune and Mars are warming, and that there could be a solar connection to these changes. Now it’s Conservative blogs and websites who can be found jumping up and down and emphatically pointing. They believe this shows that mankind’s not the cause of climate change, and that it’s actually a natural cyclical event caused by external forces. So is it true? Maybe. Could be. What’s fascinating is the philosophical shift that's taken place on the part of the Right. First off, this new solar warming argument implicitly accepts global warming to be, well... maybe, kinda, sort of fact. The big questions is: Where did their skepticism of global warming science go? After all, claiming the Sun's the cause is still Global Warming science. Why aren’t they clamoring for further studies, suggesting that the Jury’s still out, or spreading the word that the data’s inconclusive? Have Conservatives suddenly become the same sort of suckers for science that they’ve always claimed the Libs to be?
Conservative website article entitled "Global Warming Comes to Neptune"
Conservative website article entitled “Sun Responsible for Global Warming”
Conservative website article entitled "Global Warming Comes to Neptune"
Conservative website article entitled “Sun Responsible for Global Warming”
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