It was a random purchase, just what was on the shelf. After buying a MET-Rx Big 100 Chocolate Chip Graham Cracker Bar (not for weight training, but for added jury duty stamina), a closer inspection of its ingredients revealed “partially hydrogenated soybean and/or cottonseed oil” not once, but three times (is that too many for a health conscious training bar promising "0g trans fat"). Checking the MET-Rx company website, their online list of ingredients for the same bar mentions nothing of “partially hydrogenated soybean and/or cottonseed oil.” Nothing. In MET-Rx’s defense, the government considers products with less then 0.5g of trans fats as being Trans-Fat-Free. But does it truly have 0g trans fats? It mentions them three times…. unless, of course, you’re scanning the ingredients online, instead of on the wrapper.
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