Saturday, November 14, 2009


The LA Times ran a story on Nov. 13 describing what years of underground nuclear testing had done to an aquifer beneath the site. They noted that the site had been used for over 41 years, and that 921 nuclear warheads had been detonated there underground. They also snuck this jewel of an understatement into their reporting, “When testing ended in 1992, the Energy Department estimated that more than 300 million curies of radiation had been left behind, making the site one of the most radioactively contaminated places in the nation.” Not the most, only one of the most? Are they insane? So there are other places in the U.S. that are more radioactively contaminated than the spot where we tested 921 nuclear warheads? Should that make us all worry just a bit? Here's the article: Nuclear scars: Tainted water runs beneath Nevada desert


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