Saturday, November 14, 2009


A lot of Californians are getting cheesed off about a new California Milk Advisory Board ad campaign that promotes milk produced in the state. Why? Because the “Real California Milk” ad campaign is being filmed in New Zealand. They even have the nerve to post on their website that, “Real California Milk translates into hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions in economic impact.” Glad they care so much about jobs in California. You remember California, it's that place where they make television ads, except for Real California Milk ads. Read the article, Filming of state milk ads is heading abroad to save moola


Anonymous Jennifer Giambroni said...

While a portion of the CMAB’s “Auditions” campaign showing UNhappy cows from throughout the world auditioning to come to California to get happy will be partially shot on a sound stage in New Zealand, none of the California Happy Cows or California location shot have ever or will ever be done anywhere but in California. Four days of work on the new Auditions campaign will be filmed in New Zealand while an additional six-to-eight weeks of post-production activities for each of the 10 spots will take place in California. In fact, more than 90% of the CMAB’s advertising production budget will be spent in California next year.

Jennifer Giambroni
California Milk Advisory Board

6:27 PM  

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